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**SALE** PPU Centenary TiePPU Merchandise

Treat yourself to a limited edition PPU Centenary Tie. Only €30 which includes post and packaging. (previous price €35)


    PPU Annual MembershipPPU Membership

    We invite all past pupils to join the Pres Bray PPU.

      Instalments for this product occur on a Twelve Months frequency. Starting from 22/12/2024.

      PPU Golf & Annual Dinner (Members of Greystones Golf Club)PPU Golf

      The first tee is reserved from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm. Dinner will be at 8.30 pm. Price includes competition entry, dinner and multiple prizes.


        PPU Golf & Annual Dinner (Non members of Greystones Golf Club)PPU Golf

        The first tee is reserved from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm. Dinner will be at 8.30 pm. Price includes green fees, competition entry, dinner and multiple prizes.


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