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Item List
1st Year - INCOMING New Entrant Admission for (2025-2026) Admission Admin Fee - this fee covers the cost of student entrance assessment exam, student insurance, locker, communications to parents & admin costs. 100.00
5th & 6th Year History Trip to GPO 08/04/25 Includes both the return bus and private guided tour of the GPO. 18.00
5th and 6th Newgrange Art trip 26/03/25 Newgrange interpretive centre on Wednesday the 26.03.25 20.00
5th Year DCG Workbook 26.50
5th Year Study Skills Thursday March 27th,2025 run by Examcraft 12.00
6th & 5th Years Technology Leaving Cert Exam Papers 4.00
Locker 24/25 year Fee for Locker 24/25. 20.00
TY Programme -2nd Installment (2024-2025) 2nd Installment of Transition Year Programme Fee: €375 Payment due by September 1st 2024 375.00
Voluntary Contribution (Annual payment) Annual Voluntary Contribution. Full payment of €250 per family 250.00
Voluntary Contribution (Monthly payment plan) Choose to pay this in automatic monthly instalments. 20.84