Accected Payment Cards
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Item List
A 124/25Voluntary Contribution (All Other Years) 2nd/3rd/4th /5th & 6th Board of Management suggest Voluntary Contribution of €350 per student or €500 per Family. Any amount is acceptable 350.00
A 224/25 Family Voluntary Contribution Board of Management suggest Voluntary Contribution of €350 per student or €500 per Family. Any amount is acceptable 500.00
A 424/25 Tranisition Year Fees (Installments over 4 months) TY Fees 24/25 (installments over four months) to include Essential Student Expense, Wriggle Licence and TY Activities 600.00
A 524/25 ESE Installments 2nd/3rd/5th & 6th Year 24/25 ESE Installments over 5 months 2nd/3rd/5th/6th Year 230.00
A 624/25 Installments over six months Incoming 1st Years ESE, Locker/ Lock and Journal 24/25 Installments over six months Incoming 1st Years ESE, Locker/ Lock and Journal 300.00
A 724/25 After School Study 3 Days per week 24/25 After School Study 3 Days per week 200.00
A 824/25 After School Study 4 Days per week 24/25 After School Study 4 Days per week 250.00
A 924/25 After School Study 5 Days per week 24/25 After School Study 5 Days per week 300.00