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2nd/3rd/4th/5th Mothers Lunch - Fri 24 Jan We are delighted to welcome our Second, Third, Transition and Fifth Year Mothers’ to the College for this event to be held on Friday 24th January 2025 at 12:45pm. A buffet luncheon including wine will be served. 28.00
6th Year French Mock Oral Exam 15.00
6th Year Irish Mock Oral Exam 15.00
6th Year Music Mock Practical 25.00
Debitrak Fob Replacement 2024-2025 Please go to the Accounts office to collect after payment. 10.00
Emmanuel Choir - Tue 11 Mar By paying for this trip, you give permission for your son to attend, and you agree that your son will follow the school's code of behaviour policy at all times. 25.00
Graphics Kit Box For 1st, 2nd and 3rd Years 30.00
Locker 2024-2025 Please go to the Accounts office to collect after payment. Includes a lock and one key. 15.00
Music Instrument Lessons - Group - Term 2 Paying for GROUP lessons starting 06/01 for 14 weeks: 06/01, 13/01, 20/01, 27/01, 10/02, 24/02, 03/03, 10/03, 24/03, 31/03, 07/04, 28/04, 06/05, 12/05. Please note that Group Lessons are subject to availability. 220.00
Music Instrument Lessons - Solo - Term 2 Paying for SOLO lessons starting 06/01 for 14 weeks: 06/01, 13/01, 20/01, 27/01, 10/02, 24/02, 03/03, 10/03, 24/03, 31/03, 07/04, 28/04, 06/05, 12/05. 350.00
Supervised Evening Study - Term 2 Evening Study Term 2 runs from 6th January to 30th May. By paying for evening study, you give permission for your son to attend and you agree that your son will follow the school's evening study charter at all times. 400.00