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Insurance Insurance payment fee. 8.00
Stationery, Arts/Crafts & Photocopying 1 CHILD Stationery, Arts & Crafts and Photocopying fee for 1 CHILD. 35.00
Stationery, Arts/Crafts & Photocopying 2 CHILDREN Stationery, Arts & Crafts and Photocopying fee for 2 CHILDREN. 60.00
Stationery, Arts/Crafts & Photocopying 3 CHILDREN Stationery, Arts & Crafts and Photocopying fee for 3 CHILDREN. 80.00
Stationery, Arts/Crafts & Photocopying Junior & Senior ONLY Stationery, Arts & Crafts and Photocopying fee for Junior & Senior INFANTS ONLY. €40 40.00