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Item List
ST24T 13Zumba (14 weeks) 85.00
ST25A 1Yoga for the Active Retired 50.00
ST25A 2Chair Yoga 50.00
ST25A 3Pilates for the Over-55s 50.00
ST25A 4DIY Wedding Flowers Workshop Takes place on Wednesday 9th & 16th April from 2.00pm-6.00pm 55.00
ST25Fri 1Morning Golf with Wayne O'Callaghan Lessons take place in the Golf Centre, Ballincollig 100.00
ST25M 1Microsoft Office Specialist (Word) 120.00
ST25M 2Casual Choir 60.00
ST25M 3Self-Management 80.00
ST25M 4Creative Writing 65.00
ST25OC 1Senior Citizens Community Initiative Free
ST25OC 2Easter Study Mon 18th - Thurs 22nd April (incl.) & Tues 25th- Fri 28th (incl.) 09.00-13.00 70.00
ST25T 2Dressmaking (Beginners & Intermediates) 120.00
ST25TH 1Golf with Wayne O'Callaghan Classes held in the Golf Centre, Ballincollig 95.00